Hermès Derby general purpose saddle pad


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Product description

Saddle pad with padding:
- Ergonomic shape
- Water-resistant outer fabric
- Honeycombed inner fabric for breathability and quick drying
- Clou de Selle "Hermès Sellier" embroidery
- Machine washable

(100% polyester)

Made in Switzerland

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The story behind

"The horse is our top priority, followed by the rider", said Jean-Louis Dumas, grandson of Emile Hermès. We are dedicated to ensuring the horse's comfort and performance from the stable to the competition arena. Ergonomically designed with simple and sporty elegance, each piece is produced alongside our partners, veterinarians and riders. Cutting-edge techniques and eco-friendly materials are combined with state-of-the-art assembly techniques to ensure maximum comfort and longevity.