Guepards Bandana Twilly


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crème / orange / vert
Product description

Twilly silk ribbon (100% silk).

This small silk accessory can be tied infinite ways, bringing a whimsical touch to your everyday look!

Made in France

Designed by Robert Dallet

Dimensions: 5 x 86 cm

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The story behind

Based on the design of the Guépard Bandana scarf
In a multi-faceted circle, this design reveals the beauty of the cheetah's run. Its legs come together as closely as possible, concentrating all their power until the body is completely relaxed and stretches out, as if in flight, in an almost perfect line. The expression "at full speed" couldn't be better illustrated, but its simplicity doesn't convey the elegance of this stride, nor the majesty of this animal that embodies beauty, finesse and perfection. Featuring a selection of studies by Robert Dallet, a champion of the wild and a talented drawer of cats, this scarf reinterprets a classic in a bandana version.