Bouquets Sellier Twilly


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marine / blanc / beige
Product description

Twilly silk ribbon (100% silk).

This small silk accessory can be tied infinite ways, bringing a whimsical touch to your everyday look!

Made in France

Designed by Pierre Marie

Dimensions: 5 x 86.5 cm

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The Story behind

Based on the Bouquets Sellier scarf design
A curious quartet! Straps, curb chains, harnesses and stirrups are gathered into bright bouquets, like cut flowers. Tassels hang like clustered bluebells, leather straps are tied into bows, spurs resemble starry daisies, bits are looped like flower garlands, and riding crops become calyxes. Horses' heads, their manes rippling, burst from the sheaves like wild blooms. Arranged on graphic horse blankets, folded to show their front and reverse sides, the four compositions are a perfect metamorphosis of fabrics, leather and metal parts. The illusion is complete!