Hermes China Privacy Policy
Last updated
Monday, February 12, 2024我们非常重视您的隐私并承诺予以保护。我们相信,您应该很容易知道我们收集并使用了哪些个人信息,并且您应该了解在您的个人信息方面您拥有哪些权利。
- 爱马仕(上海)商贸有限公司是一家在中国注册成立的公司,其注册办公地址为上海市南京西路 1266 号 130 室。
- 爱马仕(上海)贸易有限公司是一家在中国注册成立的公司,其注册办公地址为上海市黄浦区淮海中路211、213、215、227号12幢。
3.1 您直接提供给我们的个人信息
1) 我们的网站
• 当您于我们的网站创建账户时,您需要向我们提供您的手机号码以便进行实名认证、并提供您的称谓、姓氏、名字(我们收集您的称谓、姓氏、名字是为了方便称呼您)和配送信息。
• 当您于我们的网站选购商品时,我们将收集您的订单信息(包括您的订单号、购买的商品、数量、价格、购买时间)、配送信息(包括收货人姓名、收货地址、手机号码)和支付信息(包括账单信息、付款类型或方式、计费编号);如您需要开具发票,我们还可能收集您的个人名称或公司信息(包括公司名称、纳税人识别号、公司地址、公司电话、公司银行账号)。
• 当您使用我们的网站中的“查询附近的专卖店”功能时,我们可能通过弹窗获得您的授权,请您提供您的当时的地理位置。
• 当您使用我们的网站订阅我们的时事通讯时,您需要向我们提供您的电子邮件地址。
• 当您关注我们的微信公众号时,我们可能获得您的微信昵称和头像。
• 当您使用我们的微信公众号中的“联系我们”功能与我们的在线客服联系时,我们可能收集您与微信客服之间的沟通记录。
• 当您使用我们的微信公众号中的“查找专卖店”功能时,我们可能通过弹窗获得授权,请您提供您的当时的地理位置。
• 当您通过我们的微信公众号跳转至我们的微信小程序访问在线商店并授权登陆时,我们可能通过弹窗获得授权,请您提供您的微信昵称和头像。
3) 我们的微信小程序
• 当您使用我们的微信小程序访问在线商店并授权登陆时,我们可能通过弹窗获得授权,请您提供您的昵称、头像,如您进一步参与微信小程序中的活动,我们还可能根据活动的具体情况要求您提供一些个人信息。
• 当您于我们的微信小程序创建账户时,您需要向我们提供您的手机号码以便进行实名认证、并提供您的称谓、姓氏、名字(我们收集您的称谓、姓氏、名字是为了方便称呼您)和配送信息。
• 当您于我们的微信小程序选购商品时,我们将收集您的订单信息(包括您的订单号、购买的商品、数量、价格、购买时间)、配送信息(包括收货人姓名、收货地址、手机号码)和支付信息(包括账单信息、付款类型或方式、计费编号),如您在填写收货地址时主动点击“一键获取微信地址”,我们还可能获得您记录于微信账号中的地址信息;如您需要开具发票,我们可能收集您的个人名称或公司信息(包括公司名称、纳税人识别号、公司地址、公司电话、公司开户行、公司银行账号),如您在填写发票信息时主动点击“一键获取发票信息”,我们还可能获得您记录于微信账号中的发票抬头信息。
• 当您访问我们的线下商店并在现场创建账户时,您需要向我们提供您的称谓、手机号码,此外,您也可以向我们提供您的姓名、国籍、电子邮件、电话、地址、出生日期、年龄段、性别、护照、税号等信息,以便让我们更好的为您提供服务,但不提交这些信息不影响您的注册。
• 当您访问我们的线下商店并选购商品时,我们将收集您的订单信息(包括您的订单号、购买的商品、数量、价格、购买时间);您可以选择微信支付、支付宝支付或银联支付,在您支付时,我们不会收集您的个人信息,但我们需要将您的订单号与交易金额信息与这些支付机构共享,以实现其确认您的支付指令并完成支付;如您需要配送服务,我们还可能收集您的收货人姓名、收货地址、手机号等信息。
• 我们的销售人员可能会邀请您添加他/她的企业微信账号,如您同意,我们可能会收集您的微信号、微信头像、昵称等信息;我们还可能通过您与销售人员的交流了解您的需求、您需要的产品、您对我们的产品和服务的意见等信息;如果您通过微信在线下单,销售人员还可能收集您的配送地址和收货人姓名、手机号等配送信息;但我们不会进一步通过微信会话存档的方式集中收集或存储您与销售人员的聊天记录。
• 当您拨打我们的客服热线咨询与产品或服务相关事宜时,我们可能会收集您的购买信息、您的反馈意见、需求等;如您需要我们上门取件,我们还将收集您的取件地址;为向您提供反馈,我们还可能收集您的手机号码。
• 如您需要通过客服热线修改您的一般账号信息,如邮箱、地址等,我们需要核实您的身份后方可协助您完成该等修改。
6) 企业微信
• 我们的客服人员可能会邀请您添加他/她的企业微信账号,如您同意,我们可能会收集您的微信号、微信头像、昵称等信息;以便后续可以更好地为您提供服务,我们的客服人员会在企业微信中保存与您的聊天记录。
9)在您访问我们的数字化平台(如我们的网站 、微信公众号“HERMES”,微信小程序“爱马仕体验店”、及其他爱马仕微信小程序)时,我们还可能收集:
• 设备信息:我们可能会在您访问/使用我们的数字化平台时,接收并记录您所使用的设备相关信息(设备型号、操作系统版本、设备设置、设备环境信息)、设备所在位置相关信息(IP 地址以及能够提供相关信息的WLAN接入点传感器信息)。
• 服务日志信息:当您访问/使用我们的数字化平台时,基于数据统计、有关广告及营销效果评估目的,我们会收集您对我们服务的详细使用情况,包括搜索查询内容、IP地址、浏览器的类型、电信运营商、使用的语言、访问日期和时间及您访问、浏览、停留、下单操作的网页记录。
我们提醒您,我们不直接向 18 岁以下的未成年人提供我们的服务或产品,也不会主动收集他们的个人信息。因此,我们要求您不得向我们提供 18 岁以下未成年人的个人信息。如您确信我们收集了由您监护的未成年人的个人信息,请及时与我们联系,我们将核实后予以删除。您可以在下方的“如何联系我们?”部分找到我们的详细联系方式。
3.2 通过Cookie或第三方插件收集
为了向您展示我们的商品和服务页面信息,我们可能在您使用我们的数字化平台时,通过您设备上放置的 Cookie 或类似技术收集信息,例如,您的 IP 地址或其他浏览信息(包括浏览器、操作系统、设备型号)。有些 Cookie 是我们的数字化平台正常运行所必需的,而其他 Cookie 则用于分析目的,旨在帮助我们向您提供更具个性化和定制化的服务以及更好的数字化体验。要了解关于 Cookie 的更多信息以及如何编辑您的偏好,请阅读我们的《Cookie 政策》。
3.3 间接收集您的个人信息
We collect and use your personal data based on one or many of the following legal basis:
- we have obtained your prior consent (for example, when you subscribe to our newsletter). Please note that for this specific legal basis, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time (see below “What rights do you have on your personal data?”);
- the processing is necessary in connection with any contract between Hermès and you (for example, when you make a purchase), we will process your personal data for the performance of a contract;
- we have to process your personal data in other circumstances as required by applicable laws and administrative regulations.
Depending on the context, we may use your personal data for below purpose:
- provide you with Hermes products or services you requested;
- conduct checks to identify you and verify your identity;
- send you marketing communications - with your prior consent (see section “Marketing Communications”);
- better understand your needs through your shopping, browsing and other records;
- provide you after-sale services;
- respond to your queries, requests and suggestions;
- manage the events you registered and/or participated in;
- to detect, prevent and fight against any fraudulent or illegal activity, including to protect your transactions from payment fraud, to act against counterfeiting and against the resale of our products in violation of our terms and conditions of sale and/or outside our distribution network;
- protect you, employees and other individuals in our stores as well as our property;
- manage the stock of certain types of rare products to allow a fair allocation of the products we sell;
- monitor and improve our Digital Platforms;
- conduct statistics;
- improve our products and services;
- respect our legal obligations, including providing information to regulatory bodies when legally required, in particular to comply with our legal obligations in terms of cosmetovigilance, prevention and the fight against fraud, money laundering and the financing of terrorism;
- recruitment.
With your express prior consent (confirmed by clicking "Subscribe" on our website and filling in your email address and clicking "Subscribe" or by click and confirm to accept to receive information concerning offers, services, products or events from us via postal mailing, phone and SMS, e-mail, Wechat and other any messaging app when register an account), you may receive information concerning offers, services, products or events sent by Hermès and/or Hermès International. Hermès International is a French limited partnership with shares ("Société en commandite par actions"), with its registered office at 24, Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris, France, registered in the Paris Trade and Company Registry with registration number of 572 076 396 RCS Paris. In such a case, we may share your information provided with Hermès International for this purpose.
We rely on your consent to process the personal data you provide to us for this purpose. Therefore, if you no longer wish to receive such information, you can unsubscribe at any time via the "Unsubscribe" link below the email we send, you can also raise your request of unsubscribe by contract our Customer Service or via our store staffs.
We may ask you to confirm or update your marketing settings if you instruct us to provide further products and/or services in the future, or if there are changes in the law, regulation, or the structure of our business.
Your personal data are processed for the period necessary for the purposes for which they have been collected, to comply with legal and regulatory obligations and for the duration of any period necessary to establish, exercise or defend any legal rights. After such period or when you cancel your account, your personal data will be permanently deleted or anonymized.
In order to determine the most appropriate retention periods for your personal data, we have specifically considered the amount, nature and sensitivity of your personal data, the reasons for which we collected your personal data, the service you deserve and expect from us together with the applicable legal requirements. For example:
- With regard to our prospects (potential customers): your data is stored for three years from your last action and then deleted or archived to comply with legal retention obligations;
- With regard to our customers: your data is stored for the duration of our commercial relationship and for up to ten years and then deleted or archived to comply with legal retention obligations;
- With regard to the customers who participate in our events: the information you provide for participating in our events will generally be stored for 3 months after the completion of such events. If you click other options when participating in the events, we will retain your information according to the options you click separately.
- With regard to the cookies used on Digital Platforms: they are stored according to the Cookie Policy.
7.1 Share your personal data
We may share your personal data only to the parties indicated below and for the following reasons:
- We may disclose your personal data to Hermès International, in charge of customer relationship, retail, e-commerce, communication, internal audit and IT management for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Such disclosure is necessary for the purpose of providing you with online services, order management, and delivery of the goods you have ordered. This may include providing you with the products and services that you have requested, improving the services provided and – with your separate consent – sending you marketing communication concerning offers, services, products or events. In order to provide you with products and services, on the premise of complying with applicable laws and regulations and “how do we protect your personal data” as stated in Article 10 of this Privacy Policy, Hermès International will process your account (including cell phone number, title, last name, first name, etc.) and order (including your order number, your products, quantity, price, purchase time, etc.) and other information and ensure that your personal data is protected to the same extent as required by the Privacy Policy. The contact information of Hermès International is You can make a request by sending an email to the mailbox to exercise your rights related to personal data.
- For the purpose of performing the service requested by you or providing the goods ordered by you, we will share your specific personal information with the payment service provider and logistics service provider to assist you in completing the payment of the order and delivering the goods.
- We may disclose your personal information to regulatory authorities or third parties in People's Republic of China under the binding requirements of applicable laws and regulations or for the purpose of due process or other legal requirements.
- We may also disclose or process your personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations when necessary to defend our legitimate interests (for example, in civil or criminal proceedings). For example, if necessary, we may disclose such personal Information to identify and contact individuals or entities that may be in violation of our Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, or that may be causing harm or interference to other users of our Digital Platforms, or to take legal action against them.
7.2 Contracting of the processing of personal information to third-party providers
We may also disclose your personal information to third-party providers acting on behalf of Hermès and entrusted by Hermès for process so as to help us provide relevant products and service support. All such processing is based on scope of processing set out in a binding contract that is compliant with the requirements of applicable law, and subject to our supervision. Such contracting of processing are made for different purposes including:
o IT development and IT support;
o Hosting and carrying out marketing campaigns and business studies;
o Verifying your information, provide to third parties that provide credit reporting, payment or order fulfilment services;
These providers are committed to confidentiality and are not permitted to use your personal data for any other purposes. We also require them to use appropriate security measures to protect your personal data.
7.3 Transfer of your personal data
If we need to transfer personal information due to merger, division, dissolution, bankruptcy or other reasons, we will inform you of the recipient's name or name and contact information, and require the recipient to continue to perform its obligations under this Privacy Policy. If the receiving party changes the existing processing purpose and method, it will seek your consent again.
To implement relevant business functions, we may obtain the following access rights to your device:
- When you click on "Find a Store" at HYPERLINK "", we may pop up and ask if we are allowed to access your location information;
- When you click "Hermes Store" on our Wechat official account, we may pop up and ask if we are allowed to access your location information.
- Permission information of other systems and devices: We will apply for specific device and system permissions before you start the use of software and/or during use (for example, we will apply for your camera permissions in virtual makeup testing scenes), and inform you of the corresponding purpose of use. We will enable the corresponding permissions only when you use the corresponding functions.
- If you agree to have us access your location and camera permissions, we may collect your sensitive personal data. We will take strict protection measures to ensure the security of your personal data. If you refuse to enable the permission and provide relevant information, it will not affect your use of basic functions such as shopping, but we may not be able to provide you with the corresponding functions of this permission.
Just as mentioned in “How do we share, contracting of the processing of personal information to third party, and transfer your personal data?”, we may disclose your personal data to Hermès International, in charge of customer relationship, retail, e-commerce, communication, internal audit and IT management for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. As a result, your personal data may be transferred to Hermès International outside of mainland China with your prior separate consent in compliance with applicable laws. We will perform the necessary procedures or obtain necessary approvals in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws before transmitting your personal information abroad. Hermès International, the foreign receiver of your personal information, is a French limited share joint stock company ("Société en commandite par actions"), with its registered office at 24, rue du Faubourg Saint Honor é, 75,008 Paris, France, registered in the Paris Trade and Company Registry with registration number of 572 076 396 RCS Paris. In order to provide you with products and services, on the premise of complying with applicable laws and regulations and “how do we protect your personal data” as stated in Article 10 of this Privacy Policy, Hermès International will process your account (including cell phone number, title, last name, first name, email, address, date of birth, age range, nationality) and order (including your order number, your products, quantity, price, purchase time, payment amount, payment type or method) and other information and ensure that your personal information is protected to the same extent as required by the Privacy Policy. The contact information of Hermès International is You can make a request by sending an email to the mailbox to exercise your rights related to personal data.
We will ensure that your personal information can be protected at a no less than the same and adequate protection level under the personal information protection and data compliance laws and regulations of the Peoples’ Republic of China. If you want to know more, please send an email to, we will handle it properly according to your request.
All your personal data is strictly confidential and will only be accessible, on a need-to-know basis, to duly authorized personnel of Hermès and Hermès International and third providers acting on our behalf with appropriate technical and organizational security safeguards.
Hermès has implemented security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access and use. We follow appropriate security procedures in the storage and disclosure of your personal data so as to prevent unauthorized access by third parties and to prevent your data being accidentally lost. We limit those who access your personal data to those who have a genuine business need to access it. Those who do access your data will be subject to a duty of confidentiality towards Hermès.
We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.
We also require those parties to whom we transfer your personal data to comply with the same. However, unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. So, we cannot ensure the security of your personal data transmitted by you to us via the internet. Any such transmission is at your own risk and you acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible for any unauthorized use, distribution, damage or destruction of your information, except to the extent we are required to accept such responsibility under the law. Once we have received your personal data, we will use the security measures abovementioned.
In case if any security incident happens to your personal data, Hermès will take responsibility in accordance with the applicable laws. However, the Digital Platform may contain links to other third party websites. Hermès has no control over the content, policies or actions of these websites. The use of any information you may provide to third parties on other websites, or which such parties may otherwise collect on other websites, is not governed by this Privacy Policy. You should carefully review the privacy policies of any third party websites and contact the operators of those websites if you have any questions about their use of your personal data. Hermès cannot be held responsible for any third party, or its affiliates or agents, failing to use your personal data in accordance with such third party's privacy policy, or any contractual or other legal obligations to which such third party, its affiliates or agents, may be subject.
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, you can, at any time, request access, make copies, rectification and deletion of your personal data or restrict and object to the processing of your personal data. A summary of these rights is provided below:
You right of access: You may request to see the personal data we hold about you. You can view some of your personal data by logging into your account on our website and clicking "Account - Personal Data". If you want to know your other personal data that we have collected through other Digital Platforms and store channels, you can make relevant requests to us through the contact information in the "How to Contact Us" section;
Your right to make copies: when technically workable and in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, you may request us to provide a copy of your personal information that we have. You can make relevant requests to us through the contact information in the "How to Contact Us" section;
Your right to rectification: You may require us to correct any mistakes in your data or to complete your information. You can modify and update your personal data by logging into your account on our website/wechat mini program and clicking "Account - Personal Data - Edit". If you wish to modify your other personal data collected by us, you can make relevant requests to us through the contact information in the "How to Contact Us" section;
Your right of deletion: if you may consider that the purpose of processing your personal data has been achieved or is unable to be achieved, or the personal information is no longer necessary for achieving the purpose of processing; ow we cease the provision of the product or service involved, or you withdraw your consent of processing; or we may in violation of any law, administrative regulations or this Privacy Policy when process your personal data; you may request us to delete your personal data. You can contact us through the "How to contact us" section to make relevant requests; Kindly note that if the personal data that your request to delete is the necessarily information that we need for the provision of certain service, we may not be able to continue with the service provision. But this will not affect other services that we provided not related to these personal data.
Your right to cancel your account: You may require us to cancel your account by contact our Customer Service, we will delete or anonymize your personal information accordingly. The cancellation of your account will not affect the validity of the personal data processing activities that have been carried out before the cancellation. Once you cancelled your account, we will stop providing online services to your and delete your personal data according to your requirements or requirements of law. If it is required by law that we shall keep any of the personal data, we will only deal with it within the scope stipulated by laws and regulations and will not use it in daily business activities.
Your right to restriction of or object to processing: Under certain circumstances, you may restriction of or object to our processing of your personal information (for example, when you question the accuracy of the data we hold on your personal data)
Your right to withdrawal of consent: You may at any time decide to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data. If your consent is withdrawn, We may not be able to provide you with the products or services you require, and our processing of your personal information prior to the withdrawal of consent will not be affected. After you withdraw your consent, we will delete or anonymize your personal information accordingly. Withdraw of your consent will not affect the validity of the personal data processing activities that have been carried out before the withdraw.
If you no longer wish to receive our marketing/promotional information, we remind you that you can unsubscribe directly at any time by click the relevant link in any e-marketing messages we send you so as to withdraw your consent on direct marketing, or make relevant requests to us through the contact information in the "How to Contact Us" section. If you do so, we will promptly update our databases, and will take all reasonable steps to meet your request at the earliest possible opportunity, but we may continue to contact you to the extent necessary for the purposes of any products or services you have requested.
To exercise any of those rights, please contact us using the contact information below (see “How to contact us”). You may also contact our store staff to exercise your above rights. We may need to check your identify before we can help you to exercise the above rights.
In issues relating to your account, to withdraw your consent, to ask general questions or to lodge a complaint, please contact our Customer Service:
- By email:
- By Customer Service: 400 090 6610
You can also contact Hermes online customer service through our WeChat official account "Contact us" and we will answer any questions you may have.
In issues specifically related to marketing emails, we remind you that you can, at any time, directly unsubscribe through the relevant link in any electronic marketing messages we sent to you.
If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or data processing, you may contact our Group Data Protection Officer at:
We will respond to you regarding your request within the time limitation required by law, after successful verification of your identity.
This Privacy Policy reflects our current practices and is subject to change and update from time to time. When we post changes to this Privacy Policy, we will modify the "Effective Date" at the top of this Privacy Policy to indicate when such changes have come into effect.
If we change this Privacy Policy in a material way, we will inform you through a notice advising of such change at the beginning of this Privacy Policy and on the “” website homepage WeChat official account HERMES, WeChat store via applet of WeChat. After your click consent on Wechat store via applet of Wechat or your continued use of “” website, WeChat official account HERMES, WeChat store via applet of WeChat will constitute your consent to this Privacy Policy and any updates.
Cookie Policy
A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone that makes it possible to save and track data about your use of the website. uses cookies to identify you or store your product selection in your basket, for example. Cookies are managed by your Internet browser. By continuing to use the website, you consent to our cookie settings and agree that you understand the terms of our cookies policy.
There are two types of cookies on our website:
- Cookies strictly necessary for the website to function
These cookies allow you to use the main features of the Website, such as storing your product selection in your basket. These cookies make browsing easier and are required to make online purchases
- Third-party cookies
These are particularly statistical analysis cookies that collect information about navigation on our website, thereby enabling us to improve your user experience and tailor the services to your preferences. There are also advertising cookies that aim to personalise and/or improve the content and browsing experience by providing you with interest-based services on other websites.
All of the information collected is anonymous
We use the following cookies on our website:
Cookie placed by |
Cookie name |
Cookie purpose |
Type |
Cookie Duration | |
Cookies used: - to keep session opened during 1 hour when the customer adds a product in the cart - to store items stored in the cart. This cookie is mandatory to access cart. |
Strictly Necessary Cookies |
by session | |
has_js |
Storage of boolean information. |
Strictly Necessary Cookies |
by session | |
Locale-country-data |
Stores information about country and language of visited pages. |
Strictly Necessary Cookies |
by session |
Datadome |
datadome |
Datadome is a bot protection tool. |
Strictly Necessary Cookies |
1 year |
New Relic |
This cookie is only created in browsers that do not support the Navigation Timing API. When a browser supports the Navigation Timing API, a native interface can be used to determine navigation start time. |
Strictly Necessary Cookies |
by session |
New Relic |
This cookie is created only when a token is handed out to an end user by the New Relic server. |
Strictly Necessary Cookies |
by session |
New Relic |
The SESSIONID cookie is used to store a session identifier so that New Relic can monitor session counts for an application. |
Strictly Necessary Cookies |
by session |
New Relic |
Identifies the user’s http session and the user’s requests during a session. |
Strictly Necessary Cookies |
by session |
Google Analytics |
_ga |
The _ga cookie is a first-party cookie that can only be accessed by the domain on which the JavaScript is run. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
_gid |
Stores information collected to be used for statistics. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
_gcl_au |
Cookies used for analytics help collect data that allows services to understand how users interact with a particular service. These insights allow services both to improve content and to build better features that improve the user’s experience. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Advertising - Google uses cookies for advertising, including serving and rendering ads, personalizing ads, limiting the number of times an ad is shown to a user. |
Google Analytics |
_ga_[id] |
Cookies used for analytics help collect data that allows services to understand how users interact with a particular service. These insights allow services both to improve content and to build better features that improve the user’s experience. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
_dc_gtm_UA-<code>-<numéro séquentiel> |
Follows statistics about site use. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
_gat_UA-<code>-<numéro séquentiel> |
Follows statistics about site use. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
utma |
This cookie keeps track of the number of times a visitor has been to the site pertaining to the cookie, when their first visit was, and when their last visit occurred. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
_utmb |
To calculate how long a visit takes. __utmb takes a timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor enters a site. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
_utmc |
__utmc takes a timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor leaves a site. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
_utmz |
__utmz keeps track of where the visitor came from, what search engine was used, what link was clicked on, what keyword you used, and where they were in the world the website was accessed. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
_utmv |
The __utmv cookie gets set on your computer, so that Google Analytics knows how to classify that visitor. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
_gat |
Monitors the query rate to the Google Analytics servers. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Google Analytics |
_dc_gtm |
Monitors the query rate to the Google Analytics servers. |
Statistical Cookies |
13 month |
Doubleclick (Google) |
Id + DSID |
Allows to distinguish each user. |
Targeting Cookies |
2 years |
Doubleclick |
test_cookie |
Used to check if the user's browser supports cookies. |
Targeting Cookies |
2 years |
BaiduTongji |
A third-party cookie that records the start time of the previous visit to judge whether the current visitor is a new visitor. |
Statistical Cookies |
PERMENANT, clear by request |
BaiduTongji |
A third-party cookie that records the current access time, and each PV will refresh its value. |
Statistical Cookies |
PERMENANT, clear by request |
BaiduTongji |
A third-party cookie that tracks the cross domain visit. |
Statistical Cookies |
by session |
BaiduTongji |
Hm_lvt_<siteid> |
A first-party cookie that records the start time of the visitor's current access sequence. If this cookie is not set, the visitor is a new visitor. When this visit is the beginning of a new visit, update the cookie to the current time. |
Statistical Cookies |
1 year, can set to auto-clear |
BaiduTongji |
Hm_lpvt_<siteid> |
A first-party cookie that takes a timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor enters a site. |
Statistical Cookies |
1 year, can set to auto-clear |
BaiduTongji |
Hm_up_<siteid> |
A first-party cookie that defines customized user ID. |
Statistical Cookies |
1 year, can set to auto-clear |
BaiduTongji |
Hm_ct_<siteid> |
A first-party cookie that defines customized label. |
Statistical Cookies |
1 year, can set to auto-clear |
BaiduTongji |
Hm_ck_<siteid> |
A first-party cookie that tests whether user's browser supports Cookie. |
Statistical Cookies |
1 year, can set to auto-clear |
BaiduTongji |
Hm_cv_<siteid> |
A first-party cookie that defines customized variable. |
Statistical Cookies |
1 year, can set to auto-clear |
You can easily adjust your cookie preference by managing your browser settings.
We recommend that you do not disable cookies strictly necessary for the website to function (cookie described as ‘essential” in the “What cookies do we use?” table) because this would prevent you from ordering online and enjoying the services of the Website.
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Mon-Sun 10:00 - 22:00 :