The vast majority of Hermès products are manufactured at our production sites in France. Our bags, luggage and small leather goods are produced by our artisans at approximately 12 French leather goods manufacturing facilities. All of our silk items (notably, ties and scarves) are woven and printed at our factories in the region of Lyon, the birthplace of silk. Hermès also makes use of specific expertise, such as watchmaking from Switzerland, cashmere from Mongolia, lacquer from Vietnam and wool from Scotland.
Some of our items in precious materials (crocodile, alligator, lizard, etc.) cannot leave their country of purchase without a CITES certificate (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Upon request, the certificate will be provided by your Hermès store and may require a few weeks to be established. The CITES certificate is valid for a limited period. You may need to renew your request with your local authorities if you wish to travel once again with your item. We invite you to check with local authorities whether any exceptions may apply.
If you are unable to find the information you need on our website, please feel free to contact our in-store sales consultants.
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