taking action for biodiversity

It is impossible to feel indifferent about this issue. It is estimated that more than half of vertebrates have disappeared worldwide in the space of 40 years, which is nothing less than mass extinction. The cause? The pressure put on our planet by human activity. The ball is now in the court of public authorities and businesses. The act4nature initiative, driven by the non-profit organisation EpE (Entreprises pour l’Environnement), is fully coherent with the French national strategy for biodiversity. 
The fragmentation of habitats, the over-exploitation of resources, pollution, the growth of invasive species, and lastly, climate change, represent the five major causes of the decrease in biodiversity. By joining 64 other national economic stakeholders in the French act4nature project on 10 July 2018, Hermès has confirmed its commitment to including biodiversity in its global development strategy, thereby contributing to achieving the biodiversity objectives set by the international community.
As a socially responsible company, Hermès thus undertakes to innovate in line with its operations and use all the levers at its disposal. This commitment will evolve regularly, since act4nature is intended to be a process for continuous improvement, based on a series of 10 common measures and on voluntary actions. At Hermès, the latter include the application of a sustainable construction benchmark for new industrial sites, the aim of which is to ensure that biodiversity is respected, protected and developed; a contribution to the Livelihoods Fund, which leads agroforestry and mangrove replanting projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America; and the AfricaTwix project, supported by the Fondation d’Entreprise Hermès, which fights the poaching and trafficking of endangered species. 
These initiatives, which are measured and reassessed each year, must contribute to setting an ambitious goal for key future events around biodiversity in the world, such as the World Congress of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in Marseille, and the COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Beijing, both taking place in 2020. 
“Nature has inspired us for 181 years. Protecting biodiversity is a magnificent opportunity. Passing on this diversity to future generations is an obligation. It is a combat for the present day.”
Axel Dumas, CEO of Hermès

Our 10 commitments

Act4nature, Business for Biodiversity, Compagnies'commitments 
July,10 2018 - Paris , 59 pages, 4,7 MB

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Africa-twix: protecting endangered species

In the fight against the trafficking of endangered species in the Congo basin, five countries have joined the Traffic programme, set up by the NGO WWF, with the support of the Fondation d’Entreprise Hermès.

In the sillage of fragrances: recycling and energy

All of the house’s scents have been made in Vaudreuil in northern France. The manufacture is home to an olfactory library and closely monitors its environmental footprint.

With the Livelihoods Carbon Fund, priority goes to proximity

What if the future of the climate hinged on a village in Kenya, Indonesia or Peru, rather than on international summits? The Livelihoods carbon funds, of which Hermès has been a partner since 2012, encourage this grassroots approach.

Leather, a precious material

Bag, saddle, gloves, shoes, belt… these Hermès objects could not be made without leather. But this precious raw material is not always used in its entirety. The house’s craftsmen and designers have therefore devised new solutions to reduce and recycle offcuts.